Not sure where to file this. I am intrigued at the "dont educate, innovate" mantra. While I agree with the thought I am not sure what that looks like. Here in WA we are constantly hammered by pointless and often detrimental policy. It seems the public is so out of touch that the pushers of these policies say whatever they want and there is no frame to see they are grossly exaggerating (lying) to push their tiny % of pop agenda/beliefs. How do we innovate yet also show/gain trust in the public? Dont we need the education to show the trustworthiness? Pondering and enjoy your blog!

Happy New Year!!

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Thanks for the comments, Troy - here's to a great year!

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I find your writing very thought provoking . Sometimes over my head but always enjoyable .

Thank you for twisting my mind .

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Thanks Rick!

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Love reading Prime Futures every week - keep it coming! Challenges me to think about where various ag industries are and my role. Also, the focus on the twin pillars of producer viability and consumer satisfaction and the criticalness of technology value propositions being right really resonate with me.

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Thanks so much, Joanne!

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This is inspiring! Thanks for your clarity, Janette! Happy New Year, I can't wait to see how Prime Future continues to grow in 2023.

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Thanks Dan, here's to a great year!

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Currently the food system of develop nations is browken:

Hence the NOVA classification for ultra-processed retail products: - NOVA arises directly fm obesity & health problems of Brazil's favelas

- Current broken food system & dietary policy in developed nations [in UK & USA ultra-processed intake ~60%] fails when NCD Diabesity tidal wave + CVD & Cancers outpaces health care

It proposes a new paradigm

Meanwhile animal protein production will become carbon neutral and invigorate soil health!

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